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Really cute game, congrats! It would be amazing to have a couple of QoL improvements: an undo button and a fullscreen button (just because Itch UI overlaps the game UI in some cases).

Thanks for playing, and the feedback! We will be updating the game after game jam, and will see if we can add those features :)


Amazing, looking forward to it! I think the fullscreen button can be enabled from settings for the HTML5 version!

Updated now, how is that? :) thanks for that! Thought it was in Unity build settings haha


Amazing, now the UI is super clean! Thanks for the quick update!

Thanks for the advice and playing our game :)


Loved the game, puzzles built up in difficulty nicely, last one was definitely challenging. The game left me wanting more puzzles! which is really good :D

Thank you so much :) watch this space, will 100% be making more levels soon!


Really cute game! With some clever solutions to puzzles. Definitely made me go "Aha", which is what you want!


That is brilliant to hear, especially making you go "Aha!", Thank you for playing!


Cute game! I really really liked the back ground art! Super cool stuff!